Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Type Of Discharge To Expect Before Period Negative Tests..still Unsure?

Negative tests..still unsure? - type of discharge to expect before period

Ladies I know that doctors None of you (I have an appointment already), but Girl Talk, and consultancy has been set by someone always good and reflection.
Thus, in September 2009 I was the first of the 30th Day of my last period. I've never lost previous period (not) in birth control and had unprotected sex several times in mid-October.
Is not my rules is scheduled for October in all.
He felt a little sick, I slept verrry, and had a lot of flatulence digestive problems. not fun. : (
So I went to the doctor rather than disturb the HPT and got a blood test. She confirmed that she was negative.
This month, I felt many times at random from nausea during the day, feel I need to eat every 3 hours ACSM nausea down. My breasts are very painful. and no time limit again this month! ! Many of the white matter creamy discharge vote.
So ..
I do not know what to do. For some time past two weeks, I thought maybe celiac disease or other problems with my stomach, causing nausea and swelling and what not ..
But now I begin to doubt. I looked at whether women have ever had a blood test is negative.
I have learned that many women had negative blood tests later, until about 8 weeks.
Suggestions about what to do?
What do you think? Any other experience with it and became pregnant?

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